Interactional Styles Used by Raymond Chin in the Close the Door podcast Miskin Bukan Privilege

Andy Andy(1*), Samuel Gunawan(2),

(1) Petra Christian University
(2) Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


Interactional styles not only reflect on the gender of the speaker but also the “dominant attitudes” that they produce. In this study, the writer focuses on analyzing a podcast video on a social media platform, which is Raymond Chin in the Close the Door podcast Miskin Bukan Privilege (Being Poor is not a Privilege) on YouTube. This study is done by the writer to find the features of interactional styles used by Raymond Chin as a guest in the Close the Door podcast Miskin Bukan Privilege on YouTube. Additionally, the writer identifies the usage of interactional style that Raymond utilizes in the podcast regarding the bogus investments. In managing this study, the writer uses the theory of interactional styles by Holmes (2006). Moreover, this study uses a qualitative approach. As a result, this study shows that Raymond uses both feminine and masculine interactional styles in the Close the Door podcast Miskin Bukan Privilege. In short, Raymond Chin dominantly uses a feminine interactional style because he is trying to cover up what really happened regarding bogus investments. Besides that, Raymond Chin uses masculine when the host of the podcast succeeds in provoking him to answer the questions regarding the bogus investments.


Feminine Interactional Style, Interactional styles, Masculine Interactional Style

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