English Department Petra Christian University Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya 60236 Phone: 031-2983066 Email: katakita@petra.ac.id Website: https://katakita.petra.ac.id/
Amelia Ruth(1*), Esther H Kuntjara(2),
(1) English Department, Faculty of Letters, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia (2) English Department, Faculty of Letters, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
In this study, the writer observed the apology strategies used by ten customer service officers of a local bank. The writer wants to find out what types of apology strategies are used by customer service officers of the local bank. The theory of apology strategy by Trosborg (1995) was used as the main theory of this research. The writer used a qualitative approach. The data were taken by recording interviews with ten customer service officers of the local bank. Then, the writer analyzed the conversation produced by these respondents. The result of the analysis, the local bank used twelve types of apology strategies. Next, the writer found the mostly used apology strategy the customer service officers employed is Repair Strategy. Overall, it was found that the customer service officers of the local bank used eight types of apology strategies and they did not use one type of apology strategy that is Promise of Forbearance
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